Coach Ruby


   A Fulfilled


white mountain


Coach Ruby

I am Michelle Ruebl (aka Coach Ruby) and am from a small town in Wisconsin. I grew up in the big city and moved to Brillion to raise a family. I have 5 children and 2 grandchildren. My grandchildren started calling me Grandma Ruby and the name stuck.   I LOVE traveling, exploring the world and seeing how we are all so different yet so similar.   I've lived through many careers from stock broker, bartender and over 20 years running a Real Estate firm. I’ve also had many years of corporate ladder climbing from Office to Manufacturing and am a huge support in my husband's business in home building; I've experienced it all. 

I found myself overwhelmed at times, especially when the children were young. I struggled with being able to keep my own identity, chasing my personal dreams while taking care of these precious children who had many needs (and personalities of their own). I found it was a tough road at times. I struggled with the notion of being the perfect wife which nearly destroyed my marriage. In my journey to heal my health, I was able to discover ways to balance my time, energy and my identity all while giving the children the love and attention they needed

I aways new that it was mindset that makes all the difference. My dad taught me 'mind over matter' as a child as I suffered from migraines. I thought I had to suffer through the pain and work hard to succeed. I also had childhood trauma that no one would want to experience (and if you have –there are options to release that pain). I've read so many self-help books and attended many seminars (forever a student). I knew that there was a better way. I found a way to balance family (and a big one at that) and career I found that it can be done with passion, energy, and that no matter what challenges came up, there was a better way to experience it all. YOU CAN TOO! 

Napoleon Hill once said “What the mind can see and believe, it can achieve” I now understand just how power our minds are. With the right tools, anything can be achieved. From health to wealth to simply living the life one is destined to live, it all revolves around mindset. Recognizing the limiting belief’s and turning them around to free ourselves into a life we were destined to live. 

I had a boss once tell me “One day you will mentor others and when you do, be humble enough to keep being mentored yourself” I truly believe that and I continue to be coached by others’ who enhance my life, the life of my family and my life as a coach. On my journey, I found that serving others is a passion of mine. With that I I've become a John Maxwell Certified Coach and Speaker and am a Certified David Bayer Transformational Facilitator. As another fun journey, I’m also a Travel agent. Figured with all of the traveling I do, I can help others see the world too. 

My specialty is Transformational coaching which will enhance your personal life, your parental life, your career life and open the door to a better-balanced Life that you were meant to have. Suffering is in the experience and the story we create of those experiences. We do not have to suffer. Let me help you learn how to end that suffering in your life.and in your business. opening the doors to a fulfiing world.

I offer Life Coaching Packages, Wellness Options, Business Courses focusing on leaderhsip for you or your team and am a travel agent-destination and experiences for life and business.

We’re on this

Journey with you

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